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If you have missed the admission and wish for your child to join in September, please fill in the Mid-Year application form below.
September entry to Year 7:
King Harold Business and Enterprise Academy admits 180 students in Year 7. All Year 7, September entry admissions are handled by the Local Education Authority and we adhere strictly to our admissions policy as follows:
- Looked after pupils will be given first priority ahead of all other applications;
- Pupils living in the priority admissions area of the school with a sibling attending at the time of application and admission;
- Other pupils living in the priority admissions area;
- Pupils living outside the priority admissions area with a sibling attending at the time of application and admission;
- Remaining applications.
In the event of over subscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by the straight-line distance from home to school, those living closest being given highest priority. Distance will be calculated using data provided by the Local Authority’s geographical information system. To find out if you are in our priority admissions area please click for Essex County Council’s catchment Area Finder
Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above.
Siblings are as defined by the Local Authority in the Secondary Education in Essex Booklet.
Special Educational Needs children with King Harold Business and Enterprise Academy as the named school on their statement will be admitted regardless of criteria
Unsuccessful applicants have the right to an independent appeal using the form provided by the Local Authority
All applications for September entry to Year 7 should be made to the Local Authority in the first instance. https://www.essex.gov.uk/topic/admissions
A waiting list will be kept by the Local Authority for the first week of the Autumn Term only and the Academy will maintain this waiting list for the remainder of the year.
To enable the process of pupils and parents selecting a Secondary School and to facilitate a smooth transfer from Primary to Secondary school we will:
- Hold an Open Event during the first part of the Autumn Term each year
- Appointments for small group visits will be given to those unable to attend the Open Event during the Autumn Term
- Liaise with feeder Primary Schools by collecting data from them and visiting students at feeder Primary Schools
- Brief parents on transfer, school expectations and school systems through a meeting in June prior to their child joining the school
- Have an Induction Day for students (date agreed with other local Epping Forest Schools).
In year admissions for all years:
If you are applying for a mid year admission or September entry for year 8-11, you should complete the KHA Mid Year Application Form and send it directly to King Harold Academy, Broomstick Hall Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1LF.
Click here or on the document on the right of this page to download a Mid Year Application form or contact the School Office on 01992 714800 to request a hard copy.
There is no guarantee of a place, so you can and should apply for more than one school, unless you have established that we definitely have a place for your child. To find out if there are places, please contact us on 01992 714800.
Once you have sent your application to us, we should write to you within 10 school days to confirm if a place is being offered or not. If you do not hear within this timescale, please contact us to ask about your application. Please note that applications received during the school holidays will be processed as soon as school re-opens.
If the number of applications for the school, for any year group, is more than the number of places available, the oversubscription criteria (as per our Admissions Poily) will be applied. The same oversubscription criteria will apply if the school is in a position to offer a place from the waiting list.
If we write to you to offer a place, you should get in touch with us to confirm if you are accepting the place and we will arrange a start date.
In the event your application is unsuccessful, you will receive a letter that will explain that you have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel against the decision. Appeals should be made in writing using the relevant form within 20 school days of the refusal letter. Information about appealing is available on the Essex County Council website www.essex.gov.uk/after-your-school-offer/appeals or alternatively, please click here
If you would like to arrange a tour of the school or have any queries regarding the admissions process please contact the school office.
Tel: 01992 714800
Email: office@kha-tkat.org
Applying from overseas?
UK/EU citizens – where the last school was overseas, you need to provide a copy of the passport to prove that the child is a UK/EU citizen.
Non-EU citizens – the child must be in the UK before the application can be processed and proof of residency such as an endorsed (stamped) passport or entry visa will be required with the application.
If, having applied for a place, you do not manage to secure a school for your child (and you are living in the Essex County Council area* or have a confirmed move into the County), please contact School Admissions at Essex County Council on Tel: 0845 603 2200 for further support and advice. The email address for School Admissions is admissions@essex.gov.uk
If you have any queries regarding the application process please visit or contact the School Office on 01992 714800 or email office@kha-tkat.org. Our opening hours are Monday – Friday, from 8am-4pm, during term time. Please note that we are not open during school holidays although emails and telephone messages will be monitored on a regular basis.